Maybe that's why they didn't have a "grilled Mohammed" on Glee the other night? What do you think?
Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on last night's episode of the Fox show, "Glee":The producers of "Glee" decided to address religion. A gay atheist was treated with sympathy for his victim status, the victimizer being Christianity, especially Catholicism. Judaism was treated with kid gloves and Islam got a pass. In other words, it was the usual Hollywood stuff.
The show revolved around a football player who sees an image of Jesus in his grilled cheese sandwich, labeling it "Grilled Cheesus." Throughout the show the audience was treated to such lines as "I think God is kind of like Santa Claus for adults. Otherwise, God's kind of a jerk, isn't he?"; "Asking someone to believe in a fantasy [religion]…however comforting, isn't a moral thing to do. It's cruel." References to Catholicism included mocking quips about "Sweet Holy Mother of God Academy."
The pivotal remark, which set the tone, was made by the gay atheist: "The reason I don't go to church is because most churches don't think very much of gay people. Or women. Or science."
The lines mouthed by the characters are a reflection of what Hollywood script writers and producers believe. Back in 1986, S. Robert Lichter, Stanley Rothman and Linda Lichter wrote a landmark book, The Media Elite. The three social scientists, not affiliated with conservative causes, found that the media elite had nothing in common with most Americans on the subject of religion: while 94 percent of Americans identified themselves as religious, only 50 percent of the media elite did. Even more striking, while 86 percent of the public said religion was important to them, 86 percent of the media elite said they seldom or never attend church. Studies since have shown that nothing much has changed.
Homosexuality and atheism are all the rage these days with the cultural elite. As "Glee" showed last night, so is ripping on Christians.
Contact Fox's VP for Communications:
The gay atheist character is right, Traddy. The church doesn't treat women and gays well at all. The history of the Catholic Church is markedly anti-gay and anti-woman. Just look at any day on Catholic Online...read the articles from the "anti-feminists" or read speeches from Mother Teresa in which she says that women who want to be equal to men are sinners against God. Read any article about gays. Sure, the CCC says that the Church isn't against gays themselves, but only the actions, but this isn't the case when people are told that homosexuals are "disordered" and people funnel millions to stop gay marriage.
The atheist is right. He shows the absurdity of religion. God is very similar to Santa Claus for adults: there is no rational justification for belief, people start believing as a child, they're both usually believed for comfort reasons, etc.
He's right to call out the bad arguments of "you can't disprove God," too. We should talk about important issues and the media should too.
Let's face it. There's no good rational reason to believe in God. Apologists have been trying very hard and their arguments have failed. Believers give accounts of personal experience, miracles, etc. These accounts are also insufficient.
The "Grilled Cheezus" jokes and the arc show how ridiculous people can be when they interpret events as miracles with no good justification and relate everything to God.
Patriot Dave
Thanks for the comment, Justin. We'll keep praying for your eventual embrace of Christ and His teachings.
And hey, Kurt? You still don't see your comment here? Stop insulting me, say something that shows your thinking, and I'll consider it. Calling me names isn't the way to be posted here.
You'll like this article, Traddy:
"I believe that it's important that if you're going to be Catholic, that you have to be 100% Catholic," Nienstedt said. "That you stand by the church, you believe what the church believes and you pass that on to your sons and daughters and your grandsons and granddaughters."
Thank you. I posted it up for all to see. The good Archbishop must be a reader of this blog!
You seem to make an absurd leap yourself, in running through some practical/social policies that you disagree with, then jumping without any logical connection whatsoever to "here is no rational justification for belief".
And then, as if that wasn't strange enough, you seem entirely blind to the main thrust of the article; that Catholic theism is lampooned, whilst other prominent theisms are left well alone, and that the values peculiar to media people are not typically shared by the communities they presume to serve.
What sort of "rational" individual would make so ill-considered a comment as yours? ;-)
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