Friday, March 16, 2012

With Bishops Like These, Who Needs Obama? - Diocese Of Scranton

It would seem that the actual teaching of the Catholic Church on the worthiness to receive Holy Communion means nothing to the gutless cowards in charge of the Archdiocese of Washington DC.

Basically the story goes like this: lesbian and her lover go to lesbian mom's funeral. They tell priest beforehand that they are gay lovers. Priest denies them Holy Communion. Lesbian and her lover go on media rampage. Stupid Bishop takes away faculties of brave priest defending Christ's body and Church teaching. With cowards and heretics like this in the upper echelons of the Church, who needs Obama and his minions to attack Her? We are doing quite well on our own.

Anyway, here is the release from the priest involved. Send him your prayers and your money too, he will need to be supported financially if you can. Maybe a brave Bishop will offer him faculties in his own diocese? Any takers?

Fr. Marcel Guarnizo’s Response to the Eucharistic Incident

I would like to begin by once again sending my condolences to the Johnson family on the death of Mrs. Loetta Johnson.

I also feel obliged to answer questions from my parishioners, as well as from the public, about the incident on February 25th.

Here are the facts: On Saturday February 25th I showed up to officiate at a funeral Mass for Mrs. Loetta Johnson. The arrangements for the Mass were also not my own. I wish to clarify that Ms. Barbara Johnson (the woman who has since complained to the press), has never been a parishioner of mine. In fact I had never met her or her family until that morning.

The funeral celebration was to commence at 10:30a.m. From 9:30 to 10:20, I was assigned to hear confessions for the parish and anyone in the funeral party who would have chosen to receive the sacrament.

A few minutes before the Mass began, Ms. Johnson came into the sacristy with another woman whom she announced as her “lover”. Her revelation was completely unsolicited. As I attempted to follow Ms.Johnson, her lover stood in our narrow sacristy physically blocking my pathway to the door. I politely asked her to move and she refused.

I understand and agree it is the policy of the Archdiocese to assume good faith when a Catholic presents himself for communion; like most priests I am not at all eager to withhold communion. But the ideal cannot always be achieved in life.


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