Monday, April 14, 2008

It's all about the money


Just when I thought I was done blogging for a few minutes, my old friends over at the SDACT gave me reason to rethink my decision.

In their unending quest to bend the Bishop to their will, they today began a "permanent picket" outside the chancery office in Scranton. Michael Milz, president of SDACT said “We’re going to picket every day, for varied times at varied lengths at least once a day, somebody will be picketing in front of the chancery.”

They will be there from 3-5 today. My job-related duties require me to be in Scranton between 3-5 today as well. I'll have to stop over and see them. I don't have my camera with me today, but maybe I'll try to talk to one or two of them.

Or maybe I'll shout anti-union slogans at them instead. *grin*

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