Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Pay no mind to the heretic on CNN

Our Holy Father, Benedict XVI, is the official "spokesman" for the Catholic Church, appointed by Jesus Christ and given the Holy Spirit.

Should you watch any network other than EWTN's coverage of B16's visit this week, keep in mind that the following individuals cannot be trusted to speak for the orthodox Catholic Faith, as demonstrated by their behavior in the past.

"Sister Joan Chittester, OSB, who opined that the election of Cardinal Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVI was the equivalent of a ‘spiritual tsunami’ will be the most conspicuous ‘expert’ consulted by the social progressive, secular humanist media elite. [She is also one of the leading proponents for lady priests]

"Then of course, Father Thomas Reese (everyone’s favorit Jesuit) and Fr. Richard McBrien (who will mysteriously find and wear his clerical attire while on camera, but just on papal visits, mind you) will be given a chance to spew their ‘side’ of the story. American media thinks it is being ‘fair’ when they give equal time to theological dissenters just as if this were the Democratic response to the Republican President’s State of the Union Address."

--From The Black Biretta by Fr Trigilio

1 comment:

Black Biretta said...

great blog

keep up the good work

Father Trigilio