Saturday, November 7, 2009

A Traditional Order Coming To America?

A big Obama shout-out to Catholic Caveman for posting this.

Cardinal Rigali, how about it? It's not like we couldn't use one or two...

A Traditional Order Coming To America?
We can only hope

I've just found out that the Institute of the Good Shepherd (l'Institut du Bon Pasteur) is looking into sending priests to the United States. Or as an unofficial IGS site states;
After our third anniversary, the IGS is considering to send priests in the USA for apostolate. One of them Fr Beaugrand have made many contacts since he's frequently travelling to the USA but still looking for help!
This is big news, folks. Especially in light of the pathetically high number of "priestless parishes" here in the United States. What bishop wouldn't leap to have one or two gems like these priests fall into their lap?

And we're not talking about some fishing expedition to your garden variety 3d World dung-heap to offer a failing seminarian a chance at ordination if he'll just pledge obedience to some Yanqui bishop.

No... these IGS priests are sharp! Pass the word, guys. Make it known to your bishop that the IGS WANTS to send them priests!

Let's see just how many bishops really do support The Holy Father's recent motu proprio... and just how many are just paying lip service. Believe me, if I ever catch wind of a bishop turning down Traddie priests, rest assured, I'll make sure the entire world knows about it.

Bet your paycheck on it.

By the way, more info on the IGS (IBP) can be found here.

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