There is news concerning the St. John Neumann Latin Mass Community and the southern most border of the Diocese. Stay tuned, true believers.
To the right is a photo of the UNDECAYED remains of St. John Neumann and our own Cardinal Rigali as they redressed him in some proper Roman Vestments a few years ago. The Saint died in 1860.
Sad but true, the Wyoming Valley is adrift. I still get my appeal letters regularly though, so they still know where I live and I'm on the planet. I mentioned to my pastor that I would be interested in having a Latin Mass said, and his immediate response was that people wouldn't understand it and that the way Father Will went about it was "all wrong". He didn't mention what would be right though. And I was utterly fascinated that he honed in on it being wrong, without detailing. I thought priests were free to say the Latin Mass without permission from their Ordinary. I may wrong on this too, though. I am fasting for this and other intents. PV
PV - You are right, any priest may say the Old Mass without the permission of his Ordinary. It is telling who these chancery people are when this Diocese is without it's Ordinary, and yet Monsignor Bambera bullies and intimidates priests to NOT say the Old Mass. This is just what they were waiting for - a chance to legislate liturgy without a Bishop. Pray and fast PV, this is the drought of Vatican II.
Anything on the Wyoming Valley?
It seems they have cast adrift the Wyoming Valley and the rest of the Diocese for that matter....
Sad but true, the Wyoming Valley is adrift. I still get my appeal letters regularly though, so they still know where I live and I'm on the planet. I mentioned to my pastor that I would be interested in having a Latin Mass said, and his immediate response was that people wouldn't understand it and that the way Father Will went about it was "all wrong". He didn't mention what would be right though. And I was utterly fascinated that he honed in on it being wrong, without detailing. I thought priests were free to say the Latin Mass without permission from their Ordinary. I may wrong on this too, though. I am fasting for this and other intents.
PV - You are right, any priest may say the Old Mass without the permission of his Ordinary. It is telling who these chancery people are when this Diocese is without it's Ordinary, and yet Monsignor Bambera bullies and intimidates priests to NOT say the Old Mass. This is just what they were waiting for - a chance to legislate liturgy without a Bishop. Pray and fast PV, this is the drought of Vatican II.
Kinda creepy. I used to go to a parish called St. John Neumann.
- L
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